

Selon le leader sécessionniste Cho Ayaba qui vit paisiblement en Norvege, le Chairman du SDF s’est montré opposé à leur cause. Il le considère donc comme un traitre, un collaborateur. De ce fait, Ayaba Cho dit qu’ils ne vont jamais accepter la présence du défunt président du SDF à leurs côtés. Voilà pourquoi il décrète un lockdown pour le 28 et le 29 juillet prochain dans tout le département de la Mezam. Il faut dire que les deux dates sont prévues pour les obsèques du chairman. Une annonce qui a dire vrai ne va pas impressionner les forces armées camerounaises, parées pour de telles opérations de chantage. Voici le texte de Cho

« You stand against Ambazonia in life and we will impose a high cost on you and your family in death – Executive Order 1/4 We will never compromise, tolerate, or accommodate anything Cameroun or anyone who enables, collaborates with Cameroun against Ambazonia. We are not the Fonchas. We ain’t the Endeleys. We are descendants of Kuva Likenye.
Mezam will be on lockdown on the 28th and 29th of July against enemy parades in honour of an enemy of our existence. The enemy used Fru Ndi in life and in death against Ambazonia. They used him to legitimise the murder of our people. They used him as a front for their genocide agenda. In death, he is now a tool of their occupation propaganda against the same people they attacked to prevent his success. We are monitoring their activities.
Ambazonians must take a firm stance. In National Liberation struggles discipline, giving up sentiments determines whether you become free or remain enslaved. Ambazonians must abandon the lifestyle borrowed from the enemy. Ambazonians must reject shortcuts and short-term pleasantries if we must hand over a free country to our children.

Dr Cho Cho Lucas Ayaba

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